The Empty Schoolhouse

My youngest son graduated today! Several people have said to me that now I will become an empty nester. Actually, two of my sons still live at home, so I am not an empty nester just yet. But I will have an empty schoolhouse! 

I began homeschooling back in 2003 when my oldest son was a preschooler. We began gently using Before Five in a Row and the wonderful companion books. These books and the ones used in Five in a Row (FIAR) became like dear friends as we continued to homeschool and more boys were born. 

I have tried to remember how I first heard about the FIAR curriculum which has the parent read the same beloved children's book five days in a row and pulls out different elements each day: language, applied math, science, social studies, and art. Then it has activities with them. My most treasured memory of motherhood is having my sons surrounding me on the couch, snuggled in, and being captivated by a book that seemed to transport us to a different time or place. This was especially important as we struggled through the loss of my husband and their daddy in 2006. 

Years later I learned in a grief book that reading to your children is one of the best things to do for a child going through a loss. It helps them identify with characters in the books and learn to understand complex emotions. Reading stories also can help them connect to memories of their loved ones and help them see loss happens to others too. I am so thankful the Lord led me to FIAR. The boys shared their thoughts as we read through books together. We had many interesting discussions. It helped me know where their brain was at and lay a solid foundation for them to share their thoughts with me. It made our relationships strong. 

Now my schoolhouse is empty. I miss the snuggles of those little boys, but I am proud of the men they have become. They are good men. The kind of men this world needs. 

My last son's graduation is the end of an era. 

The schoolhouse will be empty, yet my heart is full and overflowing!


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